Fitness, training and oral health

26th May 2022

Spring is definitely here now, and for me that means dusting down the bike and the trainers and trying to shake off some of the winter timber. At this time of year, we’re seeing patients who take their fitness and training a whole lot more seriously than I do….

Where’s it going wrong?

Sure, they’re super-fit but their dental health seems to get lost in the pursuit for improved strength or endurance. I’ve had countless chats with dedicated exercise lovers and although I’m a little envious of their fitness levels, I’m often despairing when they outline their diet.

There’s a big market for performance drinks, protein shakes, isotonic fluids, rehydration formulas, carbohydrate (sugar) mixes, you name it, it’s there on the shelf. An interesting study published at the time of the London Olympics revealed that the dental health of elite sportsmen and women was far worse than that of the average person, and we see this in not-so-elite training too. Immersing the teeth in high-sugar/acidic liquids, especially when already dehydrated, with less saliva than normal, can be a recipe for disaster.

What’s best?

If you’re verging on pro-level fitness training you may well feel you need a carb and electrolyte-based drink whenever you train, but if you’re only at beginner or enthusiast level, I’d say think twice before reaching for the Lucozade*.

If in doubt, we’re here to advise and can help guide you to the right choices to keep a healthy mouth as well as body.

* Other sports drinks are available, obviously….


male cyclist resting and drinking isotonic drink after training with his bike
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