Helping you to quit smoking

26th August 2016

We at Coppice View think it’s really important to support patients who want to improve their oral health and this takes many forms. One of these is to offer help in quitting smoking – it’s really not enough to just say ‘Give up’.

There are lots of good reasons to stop smoking, but a gentle reminder about those related to your mouth. If you smoke:
– The likelihood of contracting mouth cancer increases significantly
– Your breath will smell of stale smoke for hours after each cigarette (just because you don’t taste it any more doesn’t mean the smell’s not there!)
– Your teeth will be highly prone to staining – yellow in the first instance then going brown after a period of years

And some facts that you might not be aware of:
– So-called ‘fresh breath’ products such as mouth washes can disguise the smell of smoke to an extent but will not eradicate it
– If you smoke, you are up to six times more likely to develop gum disease and potentially experience tooth loss. This is due to the detrimental effect the habit has on the body’s immune system
– People with mouth cancer are more likely to die than those having cervical cancer or melanoma skin cancer

So, how can we help? In the first instance, as part of your routine examination, we will thoroughly examine your cheeks, tongue and throat for any signs that further investigation is required. We look for anything that looks out of the ordinary, but if you notice anything unusual yourself (such as ulcers that don’t heal or white/red patches) then you should seek professional dental advice as soon as possible.

In addition, our Dental Therapists Emma and Amy are on hand to offer advice on the best ways to quit, and to help manage any smoking-related problems that you may experience. We can also help with stain removal and whitening – two great ways to help motivate you to keep the teeth looking great by quitting.


01423 503 428

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Coppice View Dental Care
104 Kings Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 5HH